More delivery assurance, less PMO expense

For leaders of complex transformation projects, Pathfinder uses artificial intelligence to help you deliver your program on time and on budget.  
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How will Pathfinder improve my transformation project?

Reduced time and budget-overruns

When projects aren’t delivered, professional reputations are at stake, not to mention the additional costs of the entire program being stood up while the transformation’s not live delivering its benefits. So it’s critical to share milestone progress and emerging risks fast enough for you to act before the critical path's impacted.

Why not just use loads of consultants - isn't this PMO's job?

People-with-PowerPoints aren't up to this task

Project work happens in hundreds of places - consultants and project managers can’t handle the scale and complexity. You can throw more people (money) at the PMO, but the problem is people-with-PowerPoints (and sky-high day-rates!) are no match for a dynamic, complex program environment.

How does it work?

Powered by artificial intelligence

Pathfinder uses AI to give project and program managers a 100x improvement gathering, synthesizing, and presenting complex project information. For transformation programs, it means enhanced delivery assurance with reduced PMO costs.

Is Pathfinder enterprise-ready?

Pathfinder is a true enterprise platform

Originally conceived for the financial industry and live at a leading hedge fund, Pathfinder was built for enterprise grade scale and information security.